Sometimes you may need Cash immediately. The only option to save you is to apply for a loan. If you want to take a loan with a bank, it might take a long to process the loan due to the rigorous process. Disbursing these loans is lengthy and cumbersome sometimes. Fortunately, there are micro finances in Kenya that provide quick logbook loans. The problem comes when you want to get a trustable institution to lend you money.
Logbook loans are loans taken against your car as collateral. They are mostly referred to as emergency logbook loans because they are the easiest way to access funds when in an emergency. There are many logbook loan providers in Kenya. Here are the 5 best quick logbook loan providers in Kenya.
1. Bashy African Credit
Bashy African Credit is a non-deposit-taking micro-finance based in Nairobi. The company is primarily involved in small scale, logbook loans (Secured Loans With a Car) and financial services. It has grown within the past 10 years. Customers prefer Bashy African Credit logbook loans because of their flexible requirements.
You only need,
Kenyan National ID
KRA pin
TWO passports Photos
The car so that they do the evaluation and Install the car track.
No CRB Check
No Bank Statements
2. Equity Bank Logbook Loans
Equity offers reliable asset financing. They offer loans to customers to facilitate the purchase of a business or personal assets such as motor vehicles, machinery, and equipment. They also offer reliable logbook loans.
What you require to sign up
- Three original latest payslips
- 2 Copies of the ID & PIN certificate
- An Introduction/Appointment/Confirmation letter from the employer
- Duly signed authorization forms
- Duly completed loan application and appraisal form
- Pro forma Invoice / Sale Agreement
- Valuation Report
- Original Log Book
3. KCB Logbook Loans
KCB is one of the best banks in Kenya that offers people logbook loans.
To qualify for the loan, you need to:
- have an active KCB account for a minimum of 3 months
- vehicle’s logbook as security
- valid Kenyan ID or passport
- latest original payslips
- proof of your source of income
4. Family bank logbook loans
The family bank is a great Asset financier in Kenya. It is available to business account holders and is intended to assist in the acquisition of movable assets, such as motor vehicles, pick-ups, buses, and lorries. Other assets include tractors, heavy earth moving equipment, machinery, and motorcycles.
Family bank logbook loans Requirements
- All used assets must not be older than 10 years at the end of loan expiry
- Pre-printed application form (available at all Family Bank branches)
- Bank statements for a period of 6 months
- Copy of National ID / passport and KRA PIN
- Pro-forma Invoice from the dealer / seller
- Copies of logbooks for other motor vehicles owned by the applicant
- Year of manufacture of vehicle should not be more than 12 years as at loan expiry
- Recent AA / Regent Automobile valuers and assessors valuation (used vehicles)
- Copy of logbook (used vehicles)
- Sale agreement
5. NCBA Logbook Loans
In 2021 NCBA launched a logbook loan product that will enables Kenyans access up to 50 % financing against an owned vehicle. You can visit their office near you and get to learn more about the product.