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Comparing Logbook Loans, Personal Loans, Overdrafts & SACCOs

Need Cash Fast in Kenya? Comparing Logbook Loans, Personal Loans, Overdrafts & SACCOs Unexpected financial situations arise, and sometimes you need quick access to cash. Kenya offers various loan options, each with its own advantages and considerations. Here’s a breakdown of four popular choices: Logbook Loans, Personal Loans, Bank Overdrafts, and Savings and Loan Cooperatives […]

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SEO Services in Kenya

How Bashy Africa Credit has helped SEO Companies in Kenya Bashy Africa Credit, through its logbook loan services, could have assisted SEO companies in Kenya in several ways: Funding for Technology and Tools: SEO companies often require various SEO tools and technology to conduct keyword research, analyze data, and optimize websites. Bashy Africa Credit’s logbook […]

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    Bashy African Credit